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Websense® Content Gateway v7.x: Troubleshooting : Websites that have difficulty transiting Content Gateway
Websites that have difficulty transiting Content Gateway
Topic 60044 | Content Gateway Troubleshooting | Updated: 28-October-2013
This article lists sites and applications that do not work as expected with Content Gateway and offers appropriate PAC file entries, bypass rules, filtering rules, and other solutions to provide access to those resources.
Because of the way some sites package content or use (or misuse) the HTTP/HTTPS protocols, those sites have difficulty transiting Content Gateway (and most other proxy servers).
When access to those sites is required, Content Gateway provides several ways to specify sites that will bypass the proxy, including static and dynamic bypass rules, and, when SSL support is enabled, SSL Incident rules.
In addition, depending on how Content Gateway is deployed in the network, sites can be bypassed with a PAC file entry (explicit proxy deployments with most Windows clients), or via the Access Control List (ACL) on the router or switch (transparent proxy deployments).
In addition, sites that host applications that do not properly negotiate proxy user authentication are also a problem. When use of those applications is a requirement, it is possible to create a proxy filtering rule that identifies the application through the User-Agent field of the HTTP header and allows the application to bypass user authentication.
For more about bypass rules, see Interception Bypass in Content Gateway Manager Help.
For more about SSL incident rules, see Managing HTTPS website access in Content Gateway Manager Help.
For more about bypassing a site using a PAC file, see How do I specify in a PAC file a URL that will bypass Content Gateway?
See your router or switch documentation for information about ACLs.
Default SSL bypass rules
When HTTPS (SSL support) is enabled for HTTPS decryption, inspection, and re-encryption, these Incident list entries are present and enabled by default:
Sites that have difficulty transiting Content Gateway
Microsoft Update
Real Networks Real Player
Citrix collaboration products
Firefox Update
Yahoo! Messenger with Pidgin messaging client
Logitech Messenger Agent and VirtualBox
Web-based QQ connections
Microsoft Update
Microsoft Update updates the Windows operating system and Microsoft applications, such as Office. The update process runs as a system service and consequently does not use the same certificate trusts as a user.
To use Microsoft Update with HTTPS when SSL support is enabled, you must bypass the proxy in one of the following ways:
Alternatively, you can disable Microsoft Update and use Windows Update instead. Windows Update only updates the operating system and doesn't have problems transiting the proxy. If you elect to use Windows Update, add the URL to the Scanning: Never Scan list (in the Web Security manager). Also, in the Content Gateway manager, go to Configure > Protocols > HTTP > Timeouts, and check that the Keep-Alive Timeouts value is set to 60. On Windows 7 systems, repair Microsoft Windows error 80072F8F by performing: Start > Control Panel > Troubleshooter > System and Security: "Fix problem with Windows Update"
In Content Gateway versions 7.5.2 and later, when Content Gateway is deployed as an explicit proxy it can be configured to allow Skype traffic.
For v7.6.x, see Enabling SSL Manager in Content Gateway Manager Help.
For v7.7.x, see Enabling SSL Manager in Content Gateway Manager Help.
For v7.8.x, see Enabling SSL support in Content Gateway Manager Help.
In a transparent proxy deployment, create an entry in the router or switch Access Control List (ACL) to bypass Content Gateway.
WebEx does not support HTTPS connections through a proxy. Use one of the following bypass methods.
Troubleshooting: If after adding a bypass, the connection still fails, in some cases the WebEx site responds with an IP address or a domain name that doesn't match *.webex.com. You can work around the problem by examining the inbound_access.log to find the unresolved connection and then add the IP address or domain name as an exception using the option employed above.
To find the name of the WebEx site:
CONNECT cisco.webex.com:443 HTTP/1.0
CONNECT nsj1msccl01.webex.com:443 HTTP/1.1
(tunneled SSL connection to nsj1msccl01.webex.com:443)
(tunneled SSL connection to cisco.webex.com:443)
WebEx domain, IP addresses, and ports (19-Feb-2013):
World Wide URL domain exception = *.webex.com
IP addresses and ranges:
Ports that need to be open to clients (Internet):
TCP 80 Client Access
TCP 443 Client Access
TCP 8554 Audio Streaming Client Access
UDP 7500 Audio Streaming
UDP 7501 Audio Streaming
UDP 9000 VOIP/Video
UDP 9001 VOIP/Video
For the most up to date information, see Customer Network to Cisco WebEx Cloud IP Ranges for Firewall Settings.
Real Networks Real Player
When the following combined conditions are true, Real Networks Real Player fails to stream content:
By default, Real Player uses the RTSP or PNA protocols to stream media, both of which bypass Content Gateway. However, when Content Gateway is the only path to the Internet, Real Player uses HTTP to transit Content Gateway. Unfortunately, Real Player doesn't handle NTLM authentication properly and the connection fails. (For related information, see Microsoft knowledge base article
To work around the problem, add an Allow rule to filter.config that identifies the Real Player application and allows Real Player traffic to bypass authentication:
In the Content Gateway manager, go to Configure > Security > Access Control > Filtering and click Edit File.
Rule Type = Allow
Primary Destination Type = dest_domain
Primary Destination Value = .
User-Agent = realplayer
Click Add. The new rule appears in the table at the top of the page. It should have the format:
Rule Type=Allow , dest_domain=. , User-Agent=realplayer
Click Apply and then Close.
Citrix collaboration products
Citrix collaboration products do not support HTTPS connections through a proxy. Connections require proxy bypass rules.
To create proxy bypass rules, you will need a list of the current Citrix URL ranges. Go to http://www.citrixonline.com/iprange.
If Content Gateway is a transparent proxy with WCCP routers or switches, add the Citrix IP address ranges to the WCCP Access Control List (ACL).
Firefox Update
The Firefox Update site does not support HTTPS connections through a proxy.
Yahoo! Messenger with Pidgin messaging client
When the Pidgin messaging client is used with Yahoo! Messenger, the SSL connection is blocked. Traffic can be permitted by adding one or two rules to the SSL Incident list.
The message traffic cannot be meaningfully scanned, therefore it is recommended that you add the URL to the Scanning: Never Scan list (in Web Security manager).
Logitech Messenger Agent and VirtualBox
These sites do not handle proxy NTLM authentication and require a filter.config authentication bypass rule.
In Content Gateway Manager, go to Configure > Security > Access Control > Filtering and click Edit File.
Rule Type = Allow
Primary Destination Type = dest_domain
Primary Destination Value = (enter the appropriate value)
Click Add. The new rule appears in the table at the top of the page. It should have the format:
Rule Type=Allow , dest_domain=value-you-entered
Click Apply and then Close.
Web-based QQ connections
HTTPS QQ connections fail when attempting to connect through port 80.
In Content Gateway, port 80 is not included on the default list of ports that allow HTTPS.
To allow HTTPS connections on port 80, add port 80 to the HTTPS Proxy Server Port list on the Configure > Protocols > HTTPS > HTTPS Management page.

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Websense® Content Gateway v7.x: Troubleshooting : Websites that have difficulty transiting Content Gateway
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