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Configuring Web Settings > Configure Endpoint settings > Configure General endpoint settings
Configure General endpoint settings
Related topics:
Use the General tab of the Web > Settings > Endpoint page to configure settings that apply to all endpoint clients deployed in your network, and to find information needed for manual endpoint client deployment.
Manage Neo
Click the Forcepoint Neo management portal link to open that portal in a new tab. Access to this option requires Modify Configuration permissions.
On the Neo management portal you can access the endpoint dashboard, endpoint management, and advanced settings. Use the advanced settings to control the auto-update mode and generate a release code to allow end users to uninstall the Neo endpoint.
Select Dashboards, Endpoint management, or Settings in the Forcepoint Dynamic User Protection Help for additional information.
Select the default endpoint policy
Assign a default policy to users outside the network (roaming users) who are not synchronized to the cloud service as follows:
Select a Policy from the drop-down list.
Click Save.
If you do not select a default policy, any non-synchronized user is auto-generated in the cloud service with their NTLM ID as reported by the endpoint client. The newly-created user becomes visible in the system within approximately 10 minutes. In the meantime, they are browsing anonymously and are reported as such.
Once the user is visible, you can assign them a different policy on the Account > Settings > End Users page, or assign them to groups on the Account > Settings > Groups page. Reports will also include the correct user information.
Find and update deployment settings (Classic Proxy Connect and Direct Connect)
Use the WSCONTEXT code when deploying the endpoint client to Windows machines via GPO. More information about using the code can be found in the deployment instructions (Windows operating system users).
Before you can download the installation file or enable deployment from the cloud, you must define an anti-tampering password to be used to stop the endpoint service or uninstall the endpoint software. The password is automatically linked to any deployments of the endpoint client.
To set the password:
Click Set Anti-Tampering Password.
Click Submit.
The endpoint client has a number of key protections against tampering, which should prevent the majority of end users from uninstalling or deleting it, even if they have local administrator rights:
Windows and Mac operating systems
Windows operating systems only
Download the endpoint client software
If you plan to deploy the endpoint client software manually, use the Endpoint Client Download table to download endpoint installers.
Select your Endpoint type: Neo, Proxy Connect (Classic), or Direct Connect (Classic). See Endpoint overview to help select the appropriate type.
Select the operating system Platform on which the client software will be deployed.
For deployment instructions, see:
Whether you are deploying the endpoint client manually or automatically, use the links provided to find information about the current endpoint software version.

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Configuring Web Settings > Configure Endpoint settings > Configure General endpoint settings
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