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Getting Started > Cloud portal dashboards
Cloud portal dashboards
Click Dashboard in the cloud portal toolbar to see a snapshot view of how the cloud service is performing. It includes the following tabs:
The Threat Dashboard appears when you first access this page. It shows information about suspicious activity that may be related to malware threats in your network. See Threat Dashboard.
The Bandwidth Dashboard shows information about traffic patterns in your network, including the categories, groups, and users consuming the most bandwidth. See Bandwidth Dashboard.
The Productivity Dashboard shows information about blocked requests, and activity in social media categories. See Productivity Dashboard.
The Cloud Apps Dashboard shows information about cloud app usage, by category and risk level. See Cloud Apps Dashboard.
The Data Security Dashboard shows information about potential data leaks in your organization. See Data Security Dashboard.
You can also add your own Creating custom dashboards in the cloud portal.
Drag a tab to re-order it on the page.
If you do not wish to see all of the standard dashboards, you can click the Settings icon in the top right corner and select Hide Current Dashboard. Click Continue to confirm. You can restore hidden dashboards at a later time by using the Settings > Unhide Dashboard option.
Each dashboard includes the following features:
For more information on the available charts, see the sections for the individual dashboard tabs.
For filters where you are including or excluding values already stored in the system, start typing to see a list of potential matches, then select the option you want from the list. You can add multiple values to the filter.
For filters where you enter free text, enter the terms you want separated by commas.
Click OK when done.
If you change the filters and then wish to revert to the default All filter, click Reset. Filters apply to individual dashboard tabs, so, for example, editing the filters on the Threats tab has no effect on the Productivity tab.
The dashboard is automatically refreshed whenever you make a change, such as editing the filters. You can also click the Refresh button in the top right corner to force the charts to refresh.
Threat Dashboard
Use the Threats tab of the dashboard to monitor security risks and malware threats for your organization. The summary statistic displays the number of web threats over the time period that you specify.
The following charts are displayed:
Security Event Summary shows a list of users who have triggered security events, grouped by Critical, High, Medium, and Low severity. Click a figure in the Hits column to see further details of the sites accessed in the Transaction Viewer (see Viewing report results).
Top Threat Types by Request provides a trend chart of the top threat types that have been blocked in the selected time period. Click a threat type definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
Top Security Risk Locations displays a map pinpointing the countries that are considered a security risk. You can filter this map by either Source IP country or Destination IP country. The larger the dot on the map, the greater the number of threats; hover over a dot to see the country name and number of threats. Click a dot to see a breakdown of the security risks by user for that country in Report Builder.
Top Security Threats shows a chart of the most frequently-accessed security threats over the defined time period. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users accessing a particular security threat.
Top Security Risk Sites shows the domains that triggered the Security risk class over the defined time period. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users triggering security threats in each domain.
X-Labs News shows an RSS feed of the latest news and blog entries from our Security Labs.
Bandwidth Dashboard
Use the Bandwidth tab of the dashboard to see how bandwidth is being used in your organization. The summary statistic displays the total amount of bandwidth used in the time period that you specify.
The following charts are displayed:
Overall Bandwidth Usage shows a trend chart of the bandwidth used during the selected time period.
Top Categories by Bandwidth shows a trend chart of the categories that used the most bandwidth during the selected time period. Click a category definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
Top Connection IPs by Bandwidth displays a trend chart of the connection IP addresses that used the most bandwidth during the selected time period. Click an IP address at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
Top Groups by Bandwidth shows the groups who have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users within that group who have used the most bandwidth.
Top Sites by Bandwidth displays the domains that have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the top 20 users who have accessed that domain.
Top Users by Bandwidth shows the users who have used the most bandwidth in the selected time frame. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the domains accessed by that user that have used the most bandwidth.
Productivity Dashboard
Use the Productivity tab of the dashboard to monitor how requests are being filtered, which requests are being blocked, and how social media is being used in your organization. The summary statistic displays the number of blocked requests over the time period that you specify.
The following charts are displayed:
Top Requested Categories shows a trend chart of the most requested categories during the specified time frame. Click a category definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
Top Filtering Actions by Request shows a trend chart of the actions (for example, allowed or blocked) performed on web requests during the specified time frame. Click an action definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart.
Top Groups for Blocked Requests displays the groups who have most frequently requested websites that were blocked. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the users within that group who have had requests blocked.
Top Users for Blocked Requests displays the users who have most frequently requested websites that were blocked. Click a bar or section in the chart to see a report of the domains that were blocked for that user.
Top Social Web Channels shows a trend chart of the most frequently-accessed social media parent categories (for example, Facebook or Twitter).
Top Social Web Activities displays a chart of the most frequently-accessed social media parent categories, broken down into activities within each category. For example, the Facebook category might be broken down into Facebook Commenting and Facebook Events.
Cloud Apps Dashboard
Use the Cloud Apps tab of the dashboard to monitor cloud app usage by risk level and category. Statistics are shown for the number of hits, the amount of cloud apps used, and the quantity of users accessing cloud apps. The summary statistic displays the number of cloud apps that have been accessed over the time period that you specify.
The following charts are displayed:
Cloud App Use by Risk Level displays a breakdown of cloud app usage by the risk level of the app (high, medium, and low risk). Select an option button to display app usage for the number of unique cloud apps used, the number of users accessing cloud apps, and the amount of bandwidth used. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing further details for that risk level. Depending on the display option, this report will show the number of hits by cloud app, the number of hits by user, or the amount of bandwidth by cloud app.
Top Cloud Apps displays the ten most-used cloud apps. Select an option button to display the top ten apps by the number of hits or the amount of bandwidth used. Click a bar in the chart to see a report showing the number of hits or bandwidth per user for the selected cloud app.
Top Cloud Apps by Risk Level displays the five most-used cloud apps in each risk level. Click a cloud app definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits per user for the selected cloud app.
Top Cloud Apps by Category displays the five most-used cloud apps in each of the five most-used categories (such as "HR", "IT", or "Social Network"). Click a cloud app definition at the bottom of the chart to include or exclude it in the chart. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits per user for the selected cloud app
Cloud App Activity by Category for the top ten cloud app categories, this table shows the number of cloud apps accessed and the number of unique users accessing them, as well as bandwidth usage for that category. Click an item in the table to see a transaction view showing details of individual web transactions for the selected category.
Top Cloud App Users displays the top ten users of cloud apps by the number of hits. Click a section of the chart to see a report showing the number of hits for that user.
Data Security Dashboard
Use the Data Security tab of the dashboard for an overview of potential data leaks in your network and information about the kinds of violations that are being made.
Charts provide details of potential data loss whether Data Protection Service or DLP Lite (Data Security) is used to enforce policies. However, data returned to the cloud proxy by Data Protection Service does not include values for each field that may be included in the charts. Use Forcepoint DLP to view and report on incidents not included in the dashboard. See Viewing Incidents and Reports for more information.
Data Security charts include:
Incident Count Timeline shows a daily incident count for the designated period. With it, you can quickly identify trends and make policy changes as required.
Total Incidents by Content Type shows the number of regulatory incidents, data theft incidents, and custom classifier incidents in the designated period.
Top Sources shows the users, machines, or IP addresses most frequently instigating data security violations as well as the severity of their incidents.
Top Destination Domains shows the Internet domains most frequently targeted with sensitive data.
Top Web Categories shows the website categories most frequently targeted with sensitive data. These can be custom categories or the categories classified by the URL category database.

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Getting Started > Cloud portal dashboards
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