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Administering Websense Databases > TRITON reporting database FAQs
TRITON reporting database FAQs
Administering Websense Databases | Web, Data, and Email Solutions | v8.0.x, v8.1.x
Which database tools are required or used?
Websense reporting components connect to the SQL Server database engine as clients and perform standard Transact-SQL commands and stored procedures.
TRITON AP-WEB and TRITON AP-EMAIL may use 2 database utilities:
bcp to use bulk insertion for adding logs to the database.
osql to run SQL scripts during Log Database installation.
Which permissions are required?
During TRITON AP-DATA installation, modification, or repair, the account used for database creation and access needs sysadmin server role membership. Also, Backup database permission on the master database is required for installation only. After installation, the account privileges can be reduced to the db_owner of the newly created databases, and no access to any other user database except system databases such as master, tempdb, and model is required. Additionally the dbcreator server role should be granted to enable backup and restore functionality.
If you're using SQL Server 2012 Standard or Enterprise, 2008, or 2008 R2 to install the Web Log Server and Email Log Server, the user account that owns the Websense database must:
Be a member of the dbcreator server role
In the msdb database:
Have membership in the db_datareader role
For SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, the user account requires the sysadmin server role.
Which database jobs are run?
The following database jobs are installed with the Web Log Database and Email Log Database:
ETL jobs are run, then re-run 10 seconds after they finish for SQL Server Standard and Enterprise. For SQL Server Express, 60 seconds elapse between completion of one job and start of the next.
Maintenance jobs are run once every night by default. The jobs are run automatically.
The Web Log Database also installs the following jobs:
Even when trend data retention is disabled, the trend job processes data from the threats (AMT) partition to provide trend data on the Threats dashboard.
When configuring the start time for the (Web and Email) maintenance job and the (Web) Internet browse time job, consider system resources, and IT maintenance tasks and their duration. These jobs can be resource intensive and time consuming, so they can have a negative impact on logging and reporting performance.
Both Log Databases require either the SQL Server Agent service (SQL Server Standard or Enterprise) or Service Broker (SQL Server Express) to run database jobs.
How does the installer set up each database?
The TRITON reporting databases should allow TCP and trusted-mode connections from the TRITON management server, Email Log Server, and Web Log Server, as well as from the any email-capable V-Series appliance (Email or Web and Email mode).
Web Log Database
By default, the Web Log Database includes one catalog database, one standard logging partition database, and one threats (AMT) partition database. Typically, multiple standard logging partition databases are created as Internet activity is recorded.
The catalog database also maintains a list of all the database partitions.
Email Log Database
The Email Log Database includes one catalog database and (initially) a standard logging partition.
The catalog database also maintains a list of all the database partitions.
How big should the database partitions be?
For Web, see Partitioning.
For Email, see Partitioning.
For Data, see Rate of network and endpoint incidents.
How many partitions can be accessed at the same time?
TRITON AP-DATA maintains incident partitions independently of the database engine, based on quarters (3-month periods). By default, SQL Server Express maintains 8 partitions are online simultaneously, and other SQL Server editions maintain 12 partitions online. You can choose to move any number of partitions online simultaneously as long as your disk space and SQL Server database permit it.
With Web and Email solutions, you can access all enabled partitions.
How do I configure partition rollover?
With Web and Email solutions, partition rollover can occur automatically when partitions reach a specified size or (SQL Server Standard or Enterprise) date.
Partition rollover can also be initiated manually.
For information about configuring automatic or manual rollover, see:
For Data solutions, partition rollover is configured on the Settings > Archive page in the Data module of TRITON Manager. Here, you configure when to create an archive partition and when to restore it. For instructions, refer to "Archiving incidents" in the TRITON AP-DATA Help.
What if I need more partitions to run reports?
For Web and Email solutions, the available Log Database partitions, both enabled and disabled, are listed on the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page in the respective Web and Email modules of TRITON Manager. To include data from a disabled partition, first enable it, then run the report. You can use this page to disable the partition again once you have retrieved the desired data.
For TRITON AP-DATA, when you want to run a report and some or all of the data you want is stored in an offline partition, you must bring that partition online, or the generated report will not contain all the data you need.
Do Websense databases use named instances?
If you are using SQL Server Standard or Enterprise to host your Websense reporting databases:
Can Websense reporting databases be hosted in a SQL Server cluster?
If your organization uses a SQL Server cluster to provide failover for your database servers, the Websense reporting databases can be hosted by the cluster if:
When you install reporting components in a network that uses a SQL Server cluster, it is imperative that the cluster's virtual IP address is used to configure the reporting database connection. When this is done, reporting data is sent to SQL Server via the virtual IP address.
If you configure Websense reporting components (like Web and Email Log Server) to use the IP address of an individual node in the cluster, they cannot take advantage of the failover protection of the cluster.
When failover occurs, reporting components must wait briefly while the secondary SQL Server is made primary. When SQL Server begins accepting data over the virtual IP address again, reporting data is once again sent successfully.
This pause in recording data occurs both when failover occurs in a SQL Server cluster and when a standalone SQL Server installation fails and is later brought back online. Any records that were actively being processed into the reporting database when the primary SQL Server fails are lost.

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