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Configuring System Settings > Backing up and restoring manager settings
Backing up and restoring manager settings
Administrator Help | Forcepoint Email Security | Version 8.5.x
The email management server maintains several important configuration setting files, including
You may want to retain a backup copy of these settings to use if a system recovery operation is necessary. A backup and restore utility is included with the Email Security module. Backup and restore functions are available on the page Settings > General > Backup/Restore.
The Backup/Restore function includes a Backup and Restore Log, which displays time-stamped backup and restore activities for the manager.
Backup and restore functions for an appliance cluster work properly only when cluster settings have not changed between the backup and restore operations. Unexpected results may occur if any of the following settings have been changed between the backup and restore:
You may need to rebuild a cluster if a restore operation encounters problems.
Backing up settings
Backup functionality is available on the page Settings > General > Backup/Restore. Backup and restore settings on one appliance are applied to all the appliances in your network.
Back up settings
On the page Settings > General > Backup/Restore, from the section Backup Settings, click Backup.
The utility activates and conducts a backup if settings have been defined.
Save your backup settings on the Log Database server, mark the check box Save backup configuration settings files on a remote server.
The text fields in the section Remote Server Access are enabled; enter the following server information:
Enter the domain if a domain account is used; otherwise, enter the hostname of the SQL Server machine.
Enter a user with SQL Server log-in permission.
The password may not contain more than one double quotation mark.
Enter the shared folder path on the remote SQL Server machine (for example, \\\shared\).
The backup initiates when all configuration is complete. The Backup and Restore Log displays the time-stamped backup logs.
Restoring the settings
The Restore utility is used to return your settings to their original, backed up state on the Log Database server. The restore function retrieves the location of the backed up settings and applies them to the Email Security module configuration files. The Email Security module service restarts automatically after configuration settings are restored.
Restore settings
(Optional) On the page Settings > General > Backup/Restore, from the section Restore Settings, mark the check box Use the backup files on the remote server to restore configuration settings.
From File location, click Choose File and navigate to the backup files on the remote server.
Click Restore.
The Confirm Configuration Restore Operation dialog box displays.
Click Yes.
The restore operation proceeds.

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Configuring System Settings > Backing up and restoring manager settings
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