Configuring System Settings > Managing domain and IP address groups
An open relay is created when mail from an unprotected domain is sent to an unprotected domain within your organization. As a result, all mail from any domain that is not protected may be rejected. Mail from an external trusted IP address to an unprotected domain within your organization bypasses analysis and is delivered.
Global Always Block List (Main > Policy Management > Always Block/Permit)
All message controls except message size, invalid recipient, and internal sender verification settings (Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Message Control)
Recipient validation (Settings > Users > User Authentication)
All connection controls except the connection control timeout (Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Connection Control)
Directory harvest attack (Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Directory Attacks)
Relay controls (Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Relay Control)
Configuring System Settings > Managing domain and IP address groups