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Administrator Help | TRITON AP-EMAIL | Version 8.2.x
Antivirus analysis checks email and any attachments for the presence of email-borne viruses and threats.
Configure how you want the filter to examine messages for viruses from among the Filter analysis options:
Treat errors as infected. If antivirus analysis encounters errors, the email is handled as if it is infected. The default setting is on.
Treat encrypted files as infected. A message that is encrypted in a way that the antivirus engine does not understand is treated as infected. The default setting is on.
Treat suspicious document as infected. If antivirus analysis encounters a PDF document that contains active content, including exploits and malicious scripts, the message is handled as if it is infected. Default setting is off.
Treat malicious embedded iFrame as infected. If antivirus analysis detects an HTML page that contains a hidden malicious iFrame, the message is treated as infected. Default setting is off.
Scan message body for viruses. Message content is analyzed for embedded malicious scripts or attachments that cannot be examined properly. If message format problems cause attachments to be seen as part of the message body, the attachments are analyzed and viruses are detected. Default setting is off.
Configure 1 of the 4 levels of heuristics analysis you want performed in the Heuristic level section, from least restrictive (heuristics analysis disabled) to most restrictive. The Enable normal level of heuristics is the default setting.
Configure 1 of the following filter responses:
Remove infected attachments. Deletes the attachment that triggers the antivirus filter.
Take no action. This is the default action. The attachment and virus are stored in a predefined location (see Creating and configuring a filter action for information). If required, a message may be sent to the administrator stating that a virus has been found.
You may also add a notification to a suspected virus email, to alert a recipient that the message may be infected. Use the Advanced settings to configure the notification function:
Mark the Notify recipient check box to enable the notification function.

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