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v7.8.x Release Notes for Email Security Gateway : New in Email Security Gateway v7.8.x
New in Email Security Gateway v7.8.x
Topic 70037 | Release Notes | Email Security Gateway | Version 7.8.x | Updated: 22-Oct-2013
New Email Security Gateway features are available in the following functional areas:
Virtual appliance deployment
Email Security Gateway may now be deployed on a virtual appliance using a VMware platform (ESXi v4.0 or later). The appliance image is available for download from MyWebsense in an open virtualization format (OVF) package. A TRITON manager installed on a separate Windows machine is required for Email Security Gateway administration functions.
The virtual appliance security mode is Email Security only. Dual mode functions are not supported.
You may create a cluster of virtual appliances, but you cannot cluster a virtual appliance with a V-Series appliance.
See the virtual appliance Quick Start Guide for complete information about deploying and configuring the virtual appliance.
Appliance hotfix download and SNMP alerting capabilities are not supported. The following appliance status functions are also not supported in this version of the virtual appliance:
Some of this status information may be obtained via other, existing Linux commands. For example, you can use the iostat or du command to view disk usage capacity information. See the Quick Start Guide for other examples.
Use the configuration utility Restart Network Service command during the first-time virtual appliance configuration or any time you add a virtual appliance to an existing TRITON installation.
You should run the esg_restart.sh command in the virtual appliance any time you change host name or IP address information for the appliance after the initial configuration.
Policy management
Websense ThreatScope analysis
ThreatScope is a cloud-hosted sandbox for deep content inspection of types of files that are common threat vectors. This functionality is available only if your Email Security Gateway subscription includes the ThreatScope add-on feature.
ThreatScope cloud-hosted analysis inspects email attachment file types that commonly contain security threats (including .exe, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, and archive files). A severity level equal to or greater than 7 results in a ThreatScope alert.
Configure ThreatScope analysis on the Main > Policy Management > Filters page, using the default ThreatScope filter or creating a new filter based on the ThreatScope filter type.
ThreatScope can be enabled in 1 of the following operational modes:
Monitor (default). Message is delivered to its recipient, and a copy is sent to ThreatScope for analysis. If analysis determines that the attachment is clean, no report is returned. If ThreatScope analysis determines the attachment is malicious, the message is copied to a specified queue. A notification email regarding the analysis result can be configured.
The corresponding filter action should be configured to ensure that the email message that triggered the filter is dropped and saved to a specified queue (Main > Policy Management > Actions). Default queue is the virus queue.
Enforce. Message is held in a queue until ThreatScope analysis is performed. If analysis determines that the attachment is clean, message processing is resumed. If ThreatScope analysis determines the attachment is malicious, the email is quarantined. A notification email regarding the analysis result can be configured.
The corresponding filter action should be configured to ensure that the email message that triggered the filter is dropped and saved to a specified queue (Main > Policy Management > Actions). Default queue is the virus queue.
Enforce and notify. Message is held in a queue until ThreatScope analysis is performed, and an email notifying the recipient that ThreatScope analysis is underway can be configured. Mark the Send enforcement notification check box to configure this message, which contains the original message as an attachment. The message attachment is handled as follows:
The corresponding filter action should be configured to ensure that the email message that triggered the filter is dropped and saved to a specified queue (Main > Policy Management > Actions). Default queue is the virus queue.
Select the attachment file types you want ThreatScope to analyze by marking the appropriate check boxes. You can also define conditions that, when met, allow a message to bypass ThreatScope analysis.
A default ThreatScope filter action is available for use with the ThreatScope filter, to form a ThreatScope policy rule. See Email Security Manager Help for information.
Additional filter action message delivery options
New filter action options are added in this version of Email Security Gateway (Main > Policy Management > Actions > Add [or Edit] Action):
Header modification conditions for the Resume Processing and Deliver Message actions are enhanced. After you mark the Enable Header Modification option, use the drop-down list to select the type of header modification you would like performed on a message, then provide the needed modification parameters.
Bcc to, to send a blind copy of a message that triggers a filter to a specified email address. This option is available for the Resume Processing and Deliver Message actions.
Forward to, to send a copy of a message that triggers a filter to a specified email address (for example, an administrator). This option is available only for the Drop Message action.
Personal Email Manager portal options are now included with the Save the original message to a queue selection. You can specify whether the message:
These Personal Email Manager options are available for all message delivery actions.
Threat detection enhancements
Enhancements to the custom content filter allow you to detect and provide separate message handling for individual Websense message analysis tools. For example, if you configure a custom content filter to detect when digital fingerprinting analysis indicates that a message is spam, you can configure a corresponding filter action to save that message in a separate, user-defined queue.
You can set up filters for the following engines:
Configure a custom content filter on the Main > Policy Management > Filters > Add Filter page, Custom Content filter type. Then configure an antispam filter action to handle any message that triggers the filter.
Message management
URL sandbox enhancement
In previous versions of Email Security Gateway Anywhere, URL sandbox features were configured as part of email hybrid service registration.
These configuration settings are now available in the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > URL Sandbox screen. You must complete hybrid service registration successfully before you can configure URL sandbox capabilities.
This functionality is available only if your Email Security Gateway Anywhere subscription includes the add-on URL sandbox feature.
Traffic shaping
Enhancements to message delivery settings provide more administrator control over message delivery. The Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Traffic Shaping screen lets you determine the rate of traffic delivery for a specified source or destination group based on domain group or user directory settings. For example, these settings allow you to send large volumes of email at a rate that prevents possible blacklisting of the domain.
In previous versions of Email Security Gateway, message delivery options were configured on the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Delivery screen.
The following message delivery settings may be modified for traffic shaping:
Undeliverable message options that previously appeared on the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Delivery screen are now accessed on a new Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Undeliverable Options screen.
True source IP detection
True Source IP detection uses message header information and the number of network hops to Email Security Gateway to determine the IP address of the first sender outside the network perimeter. This feature enables connection control techniques (such as real-time blacklists and reputation checks) to be applied effectively to sender information, even when Email Security Gateway is downstream from a firewall or an internal mail relay.
Configure your Email Security direct relay and all network edge devices in the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > True Source IP page.
Enforced TLS connections
You can specify that connections to or from a specific IP or domain group use mandatory Transport Layer Security (TLS) and determine the security level used by that connection. Use the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Enforced TLS Connections page to specify the IP addresses or domain groups for which Email Security Gateway forces TLS connections.
When you add a connection for which you want mandatory TLS used, you can also specify the security level for that connection. Security level options include the following:
Encrypt, the minimum enforcement level, used in all security level options
Encrypt and check CN, encryption and validation of a certificate's common name
Verify, encryption and validation that the certificate is from a trusted CA
Verify and check CN, encryption, along with validation of the certificate's common name and that the certificate is from a trusted CA
Only the Encrypt security level is available for inbound traffic. All 4 levels are supported for outbound traffic.
The following connection encryption strength options are available:
Medium, which involves the use of cipher suites that use 128-bit encryption
High, which includes most cipher suites with key lengths larger than 128 bits
Routing delivery preference setting
When you add an SMTP server address for a mail route on the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Mail Routing > Add (or Edit) Route page, you can now indicate a delivery preference for that server address.
Previous versions of Email Security Gateway used a round robin method.
If a single route has multiple defined server addresses, Email Security attempts to deliver mail in order of server preference. When multiple routes have the same preference, round robin delivery is used.
Relay control SPF check bypass option
You can designate a domain group for which SPF checks are not performed as part of the relay control function on the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Relay Control screen.
In the Bypass SPF Option box, mark the Bypass SPF validation for senders in the following domain group check box, and select a sender domain from the Domain group drop-down list.
Real-time email traffic monitor
Available on the Main > Status > Real-Time Monitor page, a new email traffic monitor displays log information details in real time for email traffic on selected appliances. This information can be valuable for troubleshooting purposes.
You can specify any of the following types of log information for display:
Use the search filter to find individual log entries, or use advanced search functions to filter the log entries by subject, IP address, or email address.
New presentation reports and dashboard charts
Several new dashboard charts and presentation reports are included in this version of Email Security Gateway. These charts and reports provide administrators with more information about the types and characteristics of the email processed in the network.
In some cases, drill-down data is available when a user clicks a data element in a Today or History page dashboard chart. For example, when you view the total number of ThreatScope-detected malicious attachments for the previous 24 hours, sorted by attachment file type, you can click a single file type bar to view the hourly detection levels for that file type.
Some new reports and charts display the following:
See the complete list of reports in the Report Catalog (Main > Status > Presentation Reports). For a list of dashboard charts, click Customize on the Today or History pages.
Setting a date range for reports has been simplified in the Run Report and Report Scheduler wizards. See Email Security Gateway Manager Help for information.
Email Security Gateway system management
Delegated administration
This version of Email Security Gateway offers more options for delegation of administrator responsibilities among individuals with different administrator roles. View administrator management settings on the Settings > Administrators > Delegated Administrators screen.
The following new administrator roles may be defined on the Settings > Administrators > Roles page:
Security administrator, who has permissions identical to a Super Administrator with the exception of managing other administrators
Policy administrator, who can create and manage email policies for specified users or groups. Permissions include reporting and quarantine management for those specified users.
Group reporting administrator, who can schedule, run, and edit reports only for users in specified groups
Existing administrators may be granted new, more granular permissions, for example, covering policy management, log access, or report management. The Auditor role is unchanged from previous releases.
When you create roles for Email Security Gateway delegated administrators, you specify the users or groups managed by the role along with the permissions associated with the role. Then assign an administrator to that role. An administrator may be assigned to only 1 role at a time.
Custom SMTP port number
You can change the SMTP port number, if needed, from the default value of 25. Find this setting on the Settings > Inbound/Outbound > Connection Control page in the SMTP Port Option section. Valid values are from 25 to 5000.
You should note that proper communication with the Email Security Gateway Anywhere hybrid service requires the use of port 25 for SMTP.
Trusted CA certificate import
You can manage trusted Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for outgoing connections. A table on the TLS Certificate page (Settings > Inbound/Outbound > TLS Certificate) displays information about each certificate, including common name, certificate issuer, and expiration date.
An import function lets you browse to the location of a trusted certificate and add it to the Trusted CA Certificate for Outgoing Connection table. A search function allows you to perform a keyword search of all your trusted CA certificates.
Non-spam email transmission to Websense
In previous versions of Email Security Gateway, email released by administrators and end users as "not spam" was forwarded to Websense for classification research in plain text format. This type of mail is now delivered using opportunistic TLS. In other words, TLS transmission for this type of mail is used if possible. If TLS is not available, plain text format is used.
Email hybrid service
Hybrid service commercial bulk email filtering
Previous versions of Email Security Gateway included commercial bulk email analysis among the on-premises detection tools. This version now includes commercial bulk email analysis in the hybrid service prefiltering capability. The results of prefiltering are added in the message header passed to Email Security, which uses the hybrid service score to determine how a message is processed.
This new feature can enhance Email Security Gateway processing performance.
Enable this feature on the Main > Policy Management > Filters > Add (or Edit) Filter page for a Commercial Bulk Email filter. This functionality is available only if your subscription is for Email Security Gateway Anywhere.
Hybrid service spam threshold configuration
You can specify a value for email hybrid service analysis that indicates the threshold at which a message should be considered spam. Enable hybrid service analysis on the Main > Policy Management > Filters page for the Websense Antispam filter type. Enter a spam threshold value between 0 and 20 (floating point) in the drop-down list.
Personal Email Manager Audit Log
The Personal Email Manager Audit Log records end-user email management activities performed from either the Personal Email Manager notification message or the Quarantined Messages List. Click the Personal Email Manager tab to access this new log on the Main > Status > Logs page.
Audit log data includes the following:
Find Answers portal
This version of Email Security Gateway introduces a new element of the embedded Help system in the right navigation pane: the Find Answers portal.
Depending on the active screen, this portal may include the following components:
A Top Picks section containing links to information related to the screen content
A Show Me How section with links to on-screen step-by-step instructions for performing a task on or related to the current screen
A Search field that you can use to find topics of interest in the Websense eSupport site

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v7.8.x Release Notes for Email Security Gateway : New in Email Security Gateway v7.8.x
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