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Forcepoint Email Security Cloud: End User Quick Start Guide
Forcepoint Email Security Cloud: End User Quick Start Guide
Requesting a message report
The Forcepoint Email Security Cloud service allows you to view quarantined messages and take action on them. To do this, first request a personal email report.
The report provides information about email that you have sent and received, including the status and disposition of each message. If a message was not delivered, it indicates the reason why. Quarantined spam messages include the spam score. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the message is spam.
There are several actions that you can take from your emailed report, depending on how the email administrator has set up your policy.
You can:
You can also take actions on messages. For example, you can release messages from your quarantine. To take action on an individual message, select it, then click one of the buttons on the right:
You can view the online version of the report by clicking Show Reports. The online version enables you to take action on several messages at once:
Select the messages. You can choose them individually or you can click Quarantined, Spam, or All to select these messages all at once.
Click Go.
Scheduling a message report
To receive message reports on a regular basis or change an existing report schedule, click the hyperlink, Change Subscription, toward the top of the report. Use the resulting page to specify when you want the report sent, and to define how the content of your message reports should be filtered and sorted.
Depending on how your administrator has set up your account, you may be able to specify the following subscription options:
Click OK to submit your settings. This becomes the default configuration for all future message reports. You can change this configuration at any time.
Whitelisting and blacklisting email from certain addresses or domains
If you want to block email from certain addresses or domains, and if your administrator has enabled this feature, you can add them to your personal blacklist. Click Manage White/Black Lists on the message report that is emailed to you. You can also configure the report to always accept mail from certain addresses or domains. This is called your whitelist.
When you click Manage White/Black Lists, a search screen appears. If you have already added a list of email addresses or domains to your blacklist and whitelist, use this screen to select which email addresses and domains to display in your list. (Use it to filter the view of your list so you can modify the appropriate records more quickly.)
If you want to create a new list or add a new email address or domain to an existing list, click Click here to add new entries to your White/Black list. (See Adding new records for more details.)
Modifying records
Once you have conducted a search on an existing whitelist or blacklist, you can modify addresses or domains in the list or delete them. To delete an entry, select the entry (by clicking in the check box to the left), then click Delete. You can change the disposition of the record from whitelist to blacklist or vice versa by clicking the appropriate button.
You can sort the list by clicking a column heading.
Adding new records
If you want to create a new list or add a new email address or domain to an existing list, click Click here to add new entries to your White/Black list.
Enter an address or domain name, a description (if desired), then select the appropriate list the drop-down list (Whitelist or Blacklist). For each line you add, another blank line appears. Click Add when done.
You are notified if the address or domain already exists in the list. For example:
Address entered more than once: "domain.com"
Accessing quarantined messages
You can sort messages by their status. To view quarantined messages, sort on the Status column then scroll to the quarantined section. To view an individual message and learn why it has been quarantined, click Details for the message.You then have options of what to do with the message. (See Viewing message details.)
To take action on all of the messages in your quarantine at once, click Quarantined, then select an action to take from the drop-down list.
Viewing message details
To view the details of an individual message, select the message (by clicking the check box next to it) then click Details. A message log like this appears:
If the message is classified as spam, you can perform any of the following tasks:
Virus notifications
The cloud service notifies you by email if you are sent a message that contains a virus. Click the link in the notification if you want to view details of the message.
Other notifications
Your email administrator may have configured email security policies that monitor messages for offensive or inappropriate words, phrases, or other restricted content. If you receive or send such an email, you may be notified of this as well.
"Report this email as spam" link
Spam is subjective - you may think that it is spam, but others may not.
If your administrator has set up a "Report this email as spam" link, please take advantage of it to help us tune the service to better recognize spam.
Whenever you receive spam that you believe should have been blocked, please click the link "Report this email as Spam."
Note that this does not necessarily mean that all similar, future messages are blocked, but it does contribute to the spam identification process.

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Forcepoint Email Security Cloud: End User Quick Start Guide
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