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Configuring Email Settings > Configure block and notification pages
Configure block and notification pages
Related topics:
Use the Email > Policy Management > Block & Notification Pages page to view and edit block and notification pages.
When an email policy denies access to a resource or needs to inform the user of an event, it can serve any configured notification page. There is a standard set of pages included with your email product, and you can either modify these to suit your needs, or add your own pages. You can then refer to the notification pages from any of your policies.
Standard block and notification pages include:
Phishing (See Phishing)
Phishing Attack Blocked – This page provides information about phishing emails, including a definition of phishing, a description of common tactics, and an example of a phishing email message. You can either modify this to suit your needs, or add your own page. The page is then used if a user clicks a link in an email that is classified as part of a phishing attack.
URL Sandboxing (See URL Sandboxing tab)
Analysis Declined – This page displays when the user elects to not analyze a suspicious link. (See Prompt for Analysis, below.) The default page title is Analysis Declined.
Malicious Threat Detected – This page displays when a suspicious link is determined to be malicious and is blocked. The default page title is Access Denied.
Prompt for Analysis – This page displays when a user clicks on a suspicious link in an email. This page notifies the user and gives the user the option to analyze the link. (The other standard notification pages handle the possible outcomes.) The default page title is Suspicious Link.
URL Verified – This page displays when an analyzed link is determined to be safe. The default page title is URL Verified.
Uncategorized URL – This page displays when the link submitted for analysis cannot be categorized. The default page title is Access Denied.
Unreachable URL – This page displays when a link cannot be reached. The default page title is Unable to Analyze.
Unsupported Protocol – This page displays when the protocol is not supported for analysis. The default page title is Unable to Analyze.
The pages are grouped for ease of navigation. Click a down arrow next to a group name to see a list of all the pages within that group. To see all available pages, click All.
Click the name of a page to edit its contents.
To create a new notification page:
Click New Page.
Enter a Name for the new page.
Enter a short Description of the page. This appears under the page name in the Block & Notification Pages list, and should clearly identify the purpose of the page to any administrator.
Click Save.
The Page Details page is displayed, with the name and description at the top. You can now edit the page as required.
For information about editing the content of a new or existing block page, see Editing block and notification pages.
If you are also a web protection customer, you can configure default options for your web policy block and notification pages. See Default notification page settings.
Default block and notification page settings
Use the Settings area to configure default options for your block and notification pages. You can override any of these settings for individual pages.
Default language
The default language for block and notification pages is English. You can change this by selecting a different language from the Default language drop-down list.
If you select a different default language and then click Save, your changes are immediately visible to end users. Ensure that you have saved pages in the new default language; if a page is not available in the new default language, the English page is displayed.
Default logo
By default, the logo displayed on the notification pages is the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud company logo. To change the logo:
Click Edit. The Default Logo popup window is displayed.
Select Custom images, and enter the URL of the image you want.
The image must be a JPEG, GIF, or PNG file. Click Verify Image to confirm the format and location of the image file.
Click OK. The new logo is displayed in the Settings area.
Click Save.
Default footer text
Any footer text that you specify appears at the bottom of each notification page. You may wish to use this area to provide contact information for end users.
To change the footer text:
Click Edit. The Footer Properties popup window is displayed.
You can select all or part of your text and use the text formatting buttons to add bold, italic, color and other formatting. Hover over each text formatting button to see its function.
Click OK when done. The new footer text is displayed in the Settings area.
Click Save.

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Configuring Email Settings > Configure block and notification pages
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