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Parking attachments
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Use the Policy > Content Filter > Park Attachment Rules page to park large message attachments on the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud system. The file is removed from the message and stored. An annotation is added to the message including the filename, its size, and a Web link from where the file can be retrieved over a secure HTTP (HTTPS) connection. The wording of the annotations is completely configurable.
To create a park attachment rule:
Click Add Rule.
Enter a Rule name.
Select an Attachment size and a Message size from the drop-down lists. For example, you might choose to park any attachment with a size of 2MB or larger in messages that are 3MB or larger in size.
You can also select Ignore for either of these options, for example if you want all attachments larger than a certain size to be parked regardless of the message size.
Under Apply To, define who the rule affects. By default, the rule applies to all the senders (for an outbound rule) or recipients (for an inbound rule) in the policy. Alternatively you can apply the rule to only the senders or recipients that you specify. Enter the domains, addresses, or groups to include, separated by commas.
To excludes certain sender and recipients from your rule, select Exclude these senders and recipients, then list the domains, addresses, or groups to exclude, separated by commas. For example, you can specify that a rule does not apply if an email is from xyz@externaldomain.com or is sent to xyz@internaldomain.com. You can enter up to 65,535 characters.
Under Annotations, you can edit the annotation that appears in the original message sent to the recipient. A default annotation like the one below is included.
The attachment attach1-2100.txt (2.1 MB) was parked. It can be retrieved from here.
In addition, you can include the following variables:
The date Forcepoint Email Security Cloud received the email that generated the annotation. This date is based on the time zone set on the Notification Email screen.
Click on Variables/tokens to select these variables from the drop-down list.
Under Notification Options, select who should be notified about the parked attachment. In all cases, you have the option to include the original message with the notification.
Click Submit when done.
After a rule has been created and enabled, you have the option to add parking by file format or type. See Park attachments by file type.

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