Adding, Modifying, or Removing Components > Removing email protection components
If installation files were saved after the initial installation, use the Forcepoint Security Setup link (on the Start screen or in the Start > Forcepoint menu) to start the installer without having to re-extract files.
On the Remove Components screen, choose whether you want to uninstall all or specific email protection system components and then click Next.
The Summary screen verifies your uninstall selections. If the summary is not correct, click Back and change your selections. If the summary is correct, click Uninstall.
The Uninstall Email Protection Solutions screen appears, showing removal progress.
You will lose current email log data if you remove the database. If you want to keep this data, back up the esglogdb7x and esglogdb7x_n databases. See your SQL Server documentation for backup instructions.
Adding, Modifying, or Removing Components > Removing email protection components