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Deployment Planning for TRITON Solutions > TRITON Enterprise deployment overview
TRITON Enterprise deployment overview
Deployment and Installation Center | Web, Data, and Email Protection | v8.0.x
High-level deployment diagram
The diagram shows an appliance-based deployment:
Remote office and off-site users
With the Web Hybrid module, you can use the hybrid service in the cloud to provide security for small remote offices. This is accomplished by designating a remote office as a hybrid filtered location.
The hybrid service can also provide policy enforcement and reporting for off-site users (e.g., telecommuters or traveling personnel).
To direct user requests to the hybrid service, you can install a PAC file or TRITON AP-ENDPOINT Web on the user's machine. Web requests from that machine are then directed to the hybrid service for policy enforcement.
Hybrid services
If your subscription includes the Web Hybrid module and Email Hybrid module:
Websense appliances
Websense appliances may be used to deploy core web and email protection functionality.
The protector is a Linux-based soft-appliance, providing monitoring and blocking capabilities, preventing data loss and leaks of sensitive information. Using PreciseID technology, the protector can be configured to accurately monitor sensitive information-in-transit on any port.
Components that may not be installed on Websense appliances
TRITON management server
The TRITON management server is the Windows server on which the TRITON Manager (console) is installed. The TRITON console is the management and reporting interface for Websense web, data, and email protection solutions.
The Data Security Management Server and, typically, Crawler also reside on the TRITON management server machine to provide key TRITON AP-DATA functions, including web and email DLP (data loss prevention) features.
Linking Service also usually resides on the management server.
Web and Email Log Server
A separate Windows machine hosts two instances of Log Server: one for TRITON AP-WEB and one for TRITON AP-DATA. These services receive information about web and email traffic and process it into their respective Log Database.
Optional web protection components
Sync Service and transparent identification agents (DC Agent, Logon Agent, eDirectory Agent, and RADIUS Agent) may not reside on Websense appliances.
Also, you can install additional instances of several web protection components on Windows or Linux servers, if needed.
Microsoft TMG agent, Crawler, FCI agent, and TRITON AP-ENDPOINT DLP are installed on appropriate machines.
See Installing TRITON AP-DATA for installation instructions.
TRITON AP-ENDPOINT DLP can be installed on any machine.
Third-party components
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server, running on a Windows server in your network, is used to store Websense TRITON logging and reporting data. Quarantined email messages are also stored here.
When Websense TRITON components are installed, SQL Server must be installed and running, typically on its own machine as shown in the diagram above. SQL Server Express (installed using the TRITON Unified Installer) may be used in small deployments or evaluation environments.
Mail server
Your internal mail server.

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Deployment Planning for TRITON Solutions > TRITON Enterprise deployment overview
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