Integrating Web Security using ICAP Service > Configuring the proxy to communicate with ICAP Service
Log on to the Management Console and go to Configuration > External Services > ICAP.
Create an ICAP Service with a name like "WebsenseICAP."
Enter the Service URL in the following format:
Under ICAP Service Ports, verify that This service supports plain ICAP connections is selected, and that the Plain ICAP port value is set to 1344 (default).
Under ICAP v1.0 Options, click Sense settings to request settings from Websense ICAP Service.
When the settings are retrieved, the Client address, Server address, and Authenticated user boxes should be marked, and "WEBSENSE" should appear as the ICAP server tag.
Click OK to close the Edit window.
Integrating Web Security using ICAP Service > Configuring the proxy to communicate with ICAP Service