Installing components via the Custom option > Installing Web Security components > Filtering Service Information for Remote Filtering Screen
Internal IP address: Enter the actual IP address of the Filtering Service machine to be used by this instance of Remote Filtering Server.
Filtering port and Block page port: The filtering port is used by Filtering Service to communicate with other Websense components. The block page port is used by Filtering Service to send block pages to client machines. These ports must be in the range 1024-65535. These ports must be open on any firewall between the Remote Filtering Server and Filtering Service.
Navigate to the Websense bin directory on the Policy Server machine (C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default).
Open the eimserver.ini file in a text editor.
When you are finished, close the file without saving. Do not modify the file.
Translated IP address: Use this box to provide the translated IP address of Filtering Service if it is behind a network-address-translating device. You must check A firewall or other network device performs address translation between Remote Filtering Server and Filtering Service to activate this box.
Installing components via the Custom option > Installing Web Security components > Filtering Service Information for Remote Filtering Screen