Migrating from MSDE to SQL Server 2008 R2 ExpressMSDE (Microsoft Desktop Engine) was supported by Websense Web security products prior to version 7.6. It is not supported for version 7.6.This article contains instructions for migrating data from an existing installation of MSDE to SQL Server 2008 R2 Express for use by version 7.6 Websense Web security products.In general, these procedures should be performed in conjunction with upgrading Web Security to version 7.6 (see Upgrading Web Security or Web Filter to 7.6.0). The instructions for upgrade will refer you to these procedures at appropriate points.
Perform these procedures only on a properly operating installation of MSDE. Websense filtering and logging should be operating as normal. Performing this procedure will not fix a corrupted or inoperative installation of MSDE.
For more about osql commands mentioned in these instructions, see Microsoft knowledge base article 325003 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325003) How to manage the SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition by using the osql utility.It is a best practice to back up Websense data from MSDE and restore the back ups to SQL Server Express if you want to continue using the data on version 7.6 Web Security solutions. Alternatively, you can copy and then attach the data (see Copying Websense data from MSDE) or detach and then attach the data (see Detaching Websense data from MSDE)
3. On the MSDE machine, perform a backup of prior-version Web security databases (wslogdb70, wslogdb70_1, and additional partitions if present) by issuing the following commands using the osql utility:osql -U sa -P <password>Repeat the last two commands for each additional database partition (e.g. wslogdb70_2, wslogdb70_3, and so on).Once you have installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (see Obtaining SQL Server) you can restore Websense data backed up from MSDE. If you copied or detached Websense data, instead of backing up, see Attaching Websense data in SQL Server Express.
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management Studio
4. In the Restore Database dialog box:
c. In the Specify Backup dialog box:
Click Add.
In the Locate Backup File dialog box, navigate to and then select the wslogdb70.bak file you created in MSDE.
Click OK.
d. Under Select the backup sets to restore, select the Restore check box for the database that was entered above.
e. Under Select a page (upper left of screen) select Options and verify the Restore As directory is correct. Also, make sure the currently logged-in user has write permissions for that directory path.If you wish to continue accessing the old Websense database files in MSDE, change the Restore As column for both the .mdf and .ldf files so they specify a different location. If you restore these files to the default location, you may not be able to do so without overwriting the current versions of those files. If you overwrite the current versions, MSDE will no longer be able to work with them. Note that this applies only to working with old data in MSDE. Version 7.6 Web Security will use SQL Server Express for its data.
f. Select OK to restore.If an error appears stating the file cannot be restored over an existing file, click OK. Go to the Options page. Choose to restore the files to a different location than currently existing versions. See Step e for instructions.If an error appears stating the file is in use by another process, click OK. Go to the Options page. Choose to restore the files to a different location than currently existing versions. See Step e for instructions.
g. Repeat this process for each database partition (e.g., wslogdb70_1.bak, wslogdb70_2.bak, and so on).
6. If you are running SQL Server Express on the same machine as MSDE, it is a best practice to disable MSDE services. See Disabling MSDE services after upgrade.move 'wslogdb70_log.ldf' to '<target_path>\wslogdb70_log.ldf'move 'wslogdb70_1_log.ldf' to '<target_path>\wslogdb70_1_log.ldf'It is a best practice to use the a backup-restore method for moving Websense data from MSDE to SQL Server Express (see Backing up Websense data from MSDE). However, you may copy .mdf and .ldf files to move the data instead.
3. On the MSDE machine, using the Microsoft Services console, stop the MSSQLSERVER service (this stops MSDE).
.mdf and .ldf files for any other partitions, e.g., wslogdb70_2.mdf and wslogdb70_2.ldf, wslogdb70_3.mdf and wslogdb70_3.ldf, and so on.By default, these files are located in either C:\Program Files\Websense (if Log Server is installed on the same machine as MSDE) or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server (if Log Server is not on the MSDE machine).After installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, attach the data you copied from MSDE. See Attaching Websense data in SQL Server Express.It is a best practice to use the a backup-restore method for moving Websense data from MSDE to SQL Server Express (see Backing up Websense data from MSDE). However, you may detach and attach database files to move the data instead.
.mdf and .ldf files for any other partitions, e.g., wslogdb70_2.mdf and wslogdb70_2.ldf, wslogdb70_3.mdf and wslogdb70_3.ldf, and so on.By default, these files are located in either C:\Program Files\Websense (if Log Server is installed on the same machine as MSDE) or C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server (if Log Server is not on the MSDE machine).After installing SQL Server Express, attach the data you detached from MSDE. See Attaching Websense data in SQL Server Express.
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management Studio
4. In the Attach Databases dialog box, select database files:
b. In the Locate Database Files dialog box, navigate to and then select the wslogdb70.mdf file you created in MSDE.
d. Under Databases to attach, click each line and view the <name> database details section to verify the information for each database file.
5. Click OK.
6. If you are running SQL Server Express on the same machine as MSDE, it is a best practice to disable MSDE services. See Disabling MSDE services after upgrade.If you prefer to issue T-SQL commands to attach databases, here are sample commands (executed in Query window or sqlcmd command prompt):Configuring 7.5 Log Server to SQL Server Express prior to upgrade to 7.6MSDE is no longer supported by Websense solutions in verison 7.6. In its place, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (SQL Server Express) is supported.When you upgrade a version 7.1 or 7.5 deployment, you can choose to use SQL Server Express in version 7.6. In this case, if Log Server was configured to use MSDE to store Websense data, the data must be migrated and then Log Server configured to use the installation of SQL Server Express prior to upgrading. The Websense installer is unable to upgrade Log Server if it is configured to MSDE.
a. On the Log Server machine, open the ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)).
b. On the System DSN tab, select the Websense database (by default wslogdb70), and then click Configure.
c. On the first screen in the Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration wizard, for Server, select the SQL Server Express instance on the SQL Server Express machine, either default instance (host name of SQL Server Express machine) or TRITONSQL2K8R2X.If you named the database instance something other than default or TRITONSQL2K8R2X, then select that instance instead.
a. Open the Log Server Configuration utility (Start > Programs > Websense > Utilities > Log Server Configuration) and select the Database tab.
b. Click the Connection button.
e. Click Apply in the Log Server Configuration window to save the change.
3. Click OK to close Log Server Configuration.If SQL Server Express is installed on the same machine as MSDE, it is a best practice to disable MSDE so it does not consume system resources which can affect the performance of SQL Server Express.