Installing Web Security Components on LinuxThis section provides instructions for running the Web Security Linux installer to install Websense Web security components on Linux. Most Web security components can be installed on Linux. However, the following components cannot be installed on Linux and must be installed separately on a Windows machine:
TRITON Unified Security Center (includes TRITON - Infrastructure, TRITON - Web Security, TRITON - Data Security, TRITON - Email Security
Custom: Select which components you want installed on this machine. See Custom installation.
Filtering: Install all Web security components (that are Linux-compatible) on this machine. See Filtering installation.A filtering installation on Linux installs all Web security components that can be installed on Linux, with the exception of Remote Filtering Server (which should be installed on its own machine and not with any other Web security components; see the Remote Filtering Software technical paper in the Websense Technical Library ( for more information).It is important to note that on Linux no management and reporting components are installed (e.g., TRITON Unified Security Center and Web Security Log Server). These must be installed on a Windows machine.Complete the following main steps (the links go to detailed procedures or information for each step).