Upgrading Websense software to the latest v7.6.xThis section of the Websense Technical Library explains how to upgrade to the latest version of Websense software in the v7.6.x series.Components within the same product module must be running at the same version. Make sure that every Websense server has been upgraded.All direct upgrades to components that run on Windows servers use the same TRITON installer. After backing up your system, download and launch this TRITON installation package for Windows servers: WebsenseTRITON767Setup.exe.For upgrades to Linux components, back up the servers and then download and use WebsenseWeb767Setup_Lnx.tar.gz.
For Web Filter and Web Security (running off the V-Series appliance), you can upgrade to v7.6.7 directly from v7.1.x, 7.5.x, v7.6.x. If you're running an earlier version of Web Security or Web Filter, you should back up your files, upgrade to v7.1, back up files again, and then upgrade to v7.6.7.
For Content Gateway software at v7.1.x or v7.5.x (not on appliance), back up your files, upgrade to v7.6.0, back up your files again, and then upgrade to v7.6.7.
For Data Security, you must be at v7.6.0, v7.6.2, or v7.6.3 before upgrading to v7.6.8. See Upgrading to Data Security 7.6.0 for information on upgrading Data Security from earlier versions, such as v7.1 or v7.5, to v7.6.0.
For Email Security Gateway you may be running v7.6.0 or v7.6.2 before upgrading to v7.6.7. See Email Security Gateway (V10000 G2) or Email Security Gateway (V5000 G2) for information on installing and deploying Email Security v7.6.0.
Unless instructed otherwise by Websense Technical Support, your system must be functional prior to upgrade.
For best practice, perform a full backup of your system before performing an upgrade. The WsBackup utility is available on Windows and Linux. The backup Utility saves the essential Websense software files on the machine on which it is run, including any custom policies and block pages. A complete list of the files saved can be found in the Websense Manager Help (v7.1.x) and TRITON - Web Security Help (v7.5 and v7.6).
The upgrade process on the TRITON manager machine (Windows server) guides you through upgrading all TRITON security modules that you have installed to the latest version. You cannot choose which modules to upgrade. Partial upgrades are not supported. (Each product is moved to the latest version available for that product.)
With the exception of the TRITON infrastructure, if one of the component's upgrade fails, you can continue to upgrade the rest of the components, or you can exit the process and modify component settings.You cannot continue if the infrastructure upgrade fails, and you cannot roll back a component that was upgraded successfully.
After upgrade, your system has the same configuration settings as before the upgrade. The upgrade process does not allow you to change your configuration or settings. (You can change those after the upgrade, if desired.)
The upgrade process guides you on the correct upgrade sequence across machines. Where critical, it verifies that the upgrade was performed in the correct order.For instructions on upgrading all TRITON modules, see Performing the upgrade. In this topic, there are procedures for upgrading:Always upgrade the Web security Policy Broker before the TRITON management server (or at the same time, if they are on the same machine).If the Policy Broker machine has Data Security components on it, still upgrade the Policy Broker first.Always upgrade the management server before any other Data Security components. In this way, Data Security policy engines (and thus analysis) continue to function before the policy engines can be upgraded themselves. Note that you cannot deploy new policies to the policy engines until they are upgraded to the same version as the management server.If you need to upgrade a Data Security policy engine before upgrading the TRITON management server—because the policy engine resides on an appliance that acts as Policy Source—detection of fingerprinted content might not work on the appliance until the management server is upgraded as well.
The components running on the machine you are upgrading go down until the upgrade is complete. You should expect a brief period of down time.
1 TRITON management server (including Web, Data, and Email management components, Web Security Policy Broker, and Web and Email Security Log Servers)Note that the Content Gateway proxies will not perform Web filtering after the Policy Broker is upgraded, until the Content Gateway software is upgraded as well.The Email Security Gateway MTA will continue to function after the management server upgrade, but the logs are cached on the appliance until Email Security Gateway is upgraded as well. For best practice, upgrade Email Security Gateway as soon as possible after the management server, or email traffic must be redirected to another MTA.The Data Security policy engine embedded in Content Gateway and Email Security Gateway will continue to monitor the old Web and email DLP policies and block/permit accordingly.