Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

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Microsoft ISA Server or Forefront TMG Integration > Upgrading Web Security when integrated with ISA Server or Forefront TMG

Upgrade Websense Filtering Service before upgrading the ISAPI Filter plug-in. This ensures proper communication between Filtering Service and ISA/TMG.
Forefront TMG: Run the Forefront TMG plug-in installer on the Forefront TMG machine and follow the on-screen instructions.
As part of the upgrade process, you must stop the Microsoft Firewall service. Depending on your network configuration, doing so may stop network traffic. It is a best practice to perform this upgrade during a time when such stoppage would least affect your organization. Do not stop the Firewall service until instructed to do so by the installer.

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Microsoft ISA Server or Forefront TMG Integration > Upgrading Web Security when integrated with ISA Server or Forefront TMG