Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

Third parties can package the integration agent inside their own installer using simple, 'industry standard' methods that are completely transparent to end users.
When the third-party product is installed on a users system, it needs to register the integration agent with the Data Security Management Server. This can be done transparently through the installation process or using a command-line utility.
PEInterface.dll - A DLL the that interacts with the Data Security policy engine on the management server.
ConnectorsAPIClient.exe - Client software that connects the API in the third-party product with Websense Data Security.
registerAgent.bat (or .vbs) - A script that performs registration with the Data Security Management Server.
MSM file. The installer that uses the MSM can choose (by setting properties) whether or not to register the product with the Data Security Management Server during installation. The MSM contains a 'custom action' that validates Data Security user names and passwords and can be called by the third-party installer.
MSI file. This file embeds the MSM file. Some parties prefer to work with an MSI, and others can use it as a reference implementation. The MSI installation wizard presents 4 interactive dialogs:
Installation-dir - installation directory.
Registered Channels - The DLP channels to use: HTTP, SMTP, Printer, Discovery.
Local IP Address - which of the static IP addresses currently assigned to the machine should be used for registration.
Data Security Management Server details - IP address or host name, user name, password.
Every instance of the integration agent needs to be registered after being installed. (This is a one time operation.) In other words, every time the third-party product is installed on an end-user machine, that instance of the agent needs to be registered.
Protocols - a non-empty list of supported protocols (out of HTTP, SMTP, Printer, Discovery).
Data Security Management Server details - IP address or host name, user name, password.
Local IP Address (optional) - In case this is not supplied, use any of the static addresses of the machine, and print it to the standard output.
Search IP Address (optional) - used for re-registration after IP change. In case this is not supplied, use the address in the registerAgent.conf file. If that file does not exist, use the given local IP address.
A successful operation registers the machine with the Data Security Management Server as having the desired protocols and generates certificate files in the same directory that the tool is located. The tool also stored a configuration file (registerAgent.conf) with the IP address used for registration.
Third parties that subscribe to the integration agent use a C-based API to send data to Websense Data Security for analysis and receive dispositions in return.
Channel/Protocol - Upon installation the third-party product can declare its ability to intercept various protocols, and assign each transaction to a protocol.