Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

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Squid Web Proxy Cache Integration > Squid Web Proxy Cache integration initial setup

Be sure to install the Squid plug-in on each Squid Web Proxy Cache machine so that Filtering Service and Squid Web Proxy Cache can communicate.
If you have installed Network Agent, you must provide the IP addresses of all Squid Web Proxy Cache machines through which filtered Internet requests are routed. You also must provide the port that Squid uses for HTTP traffic. Without this data, Network Agent cannot filter or log requests properly.
In the Settings tab, expand Network Agent.
Add the IP addresses for all proxy servers under Proxies and Caches.
Click Advanced Network Agent Settings.
For Ports used for HTTP traffic, enter the port used by Squid Web Proxy Cache for HTTP traffic (default: 3128).
Click OK to cache changes on the Local Settings page. Changes are not implemented until you click Save All.
See the Network Configuration topic in the TRITON - Web Security Help for more information.
Internet browsers on client computers must be configured to use the Squid Web Proxy Cache to handle HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher requests. Browsers must point to the same port (default: 3128) that Squid Web Proxy Cache uses for each protocol.
See your browser online help for instructions on configuring the browser to send all Internet requests to the proxy server, Squid Web Proxy Cache.
To prevent users from circumventing Websense filtering, your firewall or Internet router should be configured to allow outbound HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Gopher requests only from Squid Web Proxy Cache. See your router or firewall documentation for information about configuring access lists on the router or firewall.

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Squid Web Proxy Cache Integration > Squid Web Proxy Cache integration initial setup