Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

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Microsoft ISA Server or Forefront TMG Integration > Troubleshooting integration with ISA Server or Forefront TMG

If you are using non-Web proxy clients (for example, Firewall Client with proxy server disabled, or SecureNAT clients) with ISA/TMG, additional configuration of the Websense ISAPI filter is required. Follow the instructions in Configuring for ISA/TMG using non-Web-Proxy clients.
If the ISAPI Filter plug-in is the only Websense component installed on the integration machine, the plug-in may not be communicating with the Websense filtering components installed on other machines. Verify that the ISAPI Filter plug-in is pointing to the correct IP address and port for the machine running Filtering Service.
Go to the Windows system32 directory and open the wsMSP.ini file.
Under [initSection], check the EIMServerIP and EIMServerPort parameters (these are the Filtering Service IP address and port, respectively). For example:
If other Websense components are installed on the same machine as ISA/TMG Server and the plug-in, try restarting the Microsoft Firewall service.
Filtering Service may be automatically configured to use a port other than the default 15868. When Filtering Service is installed, the installation program checks whether the default port is already in use on that machine. If it is already in use, the port number is automatically incremented until a free port is found.
To find the port used by Filtering Service for communication with integration products, check the eimserver.ini file—located in C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin (Windows) or /opt/Websense/bin (Linux)—on the Filtering Service machine. Look for the WebsenseServerPort value.
Important: Do not modify the eimserver.ini file.
If some Websense components are installed on the ISA/TMG Server machine, while others are installed on a separate machine, be sure the proper ports are open for communication.

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Microsoft ISA Server or Forefront TMG Integration > Troubleshooting integration with ISA Server or Forefront TMG