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Creating a validation script
Administrator Help | Forcepoint DLP | Version 8.5.x
Fingerprinting cells with some values, such as multiple short values, can lead to multiple false-positive incidents. Forcepoint DLP includes a mechanism that forwards database data to an external script for processing before fingerprinting.
Validation script mechanism
Each database fingerprint classifier can use a validation script. The validation script receives an input file containing the raw database data in a CSV format, and returns CSV data containing the information that should be fingerprinted.
Validation scripts must be designed to receive at least two parameters: an input path name and an output path name. An additional parameter, the configuration file path name, is optional.
The input file is a CSV file with a header row containing the database column names. Each line is delimited by a valid windows line break (CRLF), and all values are double-quotes escaped. A sample package containing a sample input file, among other things, is available from Forcepoint Technical Support.
The output file has the same format as the input file, but instead of using CRLF as the line delimiter, it uses CRCRLF (2 carriage-return characters and one line-feed character). An output sample file is available in the same package as the sample input file.
Validating fingerprinting scans
To validate your fingerprinting scans:
To create your script from scratch, skip this step.
bat is the extension for a batch file.
exe is the extension for an executable.
py is the extension for a python script.
If the script requires a configuration file, name the configuration file using the following convention:
Place all files in the \ValidationScripts folder on the server where Forcepoint DLP is installed (typically C:\Program Files\Websense\Data Security\ValidationScripts).
Every validation script must be an executable or a batch file. If there is a need for an infrastructure element, for example the python interpreter, the operating system must be able to automatically initiate the element when the script is being called. To ensure the correct file association is configured, Forcepoint recommends running the script from the command line, without reference to any other executable.
During the scan, if the crawler finds a script with the following name format, it runs that script:
If it does not find a script with that naming format, it searches for a script named default_validation.[bat|exe|py] and runs that.
If the crawler receives a non-zero return code from the script, the fingerprinting process stops and an appropriate error is returned. In this case, you can either fix the script or remove it then refingerprint.
When the system finds a validation script, the Sample Data screen in the database fingerprinting wizard shows validated data, and not the raw data extracted from the database/CSV. (This is on the Field Selection page of the wizard, where you click View Sample Data.) You can use this to make sure that the validation script behaves as expected, and to see the exact information that is protected.
To run the script on subsequent fingerprint classifiers, copy the script and rename it.
Sample validation script
There is a sample validation script in the \Validation Scripts directory where Forcepoint DLP is installed. The script contains the basic abilities required for most customers, such as removing NULL or single-character values from being fingerprinted. You can modify it to suit your needs.
The sample package contains the following files:
The first 3 files are also included (with the .sample extension, for the batch and ini files) in the Forcepoint DLP installation package.
The sample validation script is a production grade script, which is suitable for many organizations.
Please note that although "default_validation.bat" and "default_validation.ini" files can be renamed according to the conventions mentioned above, do not rename the "validation_logic.py" file. This file must be present in the \ValidationScripts directory (typically C:\Program Files\Websense\Data Security\ValidationScripts) in its original form.
The validation script is predefined to make sure Forcepoint DLP ignores:
The following additions and changes can be configured through the "default_validation.ini" configuration file:
Administrators can create UTF-16 files in Windows Notepad by saving the text with "Unicode" encoding.
The default_validation.ini sample file contains this type of validation for email addresses and social security numbers. These can be used as a reference.

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