Classifying Content > Patterns & Phrases > Adding a dictionary classifier
To create a dictionary classifier from scratch, select New > Dictionary in the toolbar at the top of the Patterns & Phrases page.
Enter a Name for this pattern, such as Diseases.
Enter a Description for this dictionary, such as Disease terminology.
Under List of phrases to include, use the Phrase field to enter a word or phrase to include, then click Add.
For each phrase, select a Weight, from -999 to 999. When matched with a threshold, weight defines how many instances of a phrase can be present, in relation to other phrases, before triggering a policy.
To create a dictionary containing many phrases more quickly, create a text file listing the phrases, then click Import and navigate to the text file.
Indicate whether or not The phrases in this dictionary are case-sensitive.
If you are editing a predefined dictionary, click Exclude to exclude certain values from the classifier, then:
Enter a List of phrases to exclude, separated by commas. Click Add to add them to the list. These phrases, when found in combination with the script, affect whether the content is considered suspicious. Click Remove to remove selected strings from the list.
Click OK.
Classifying Content > Patterns & Phrases > Adding a dictionary classifier